Whispering Treetops, digital image by S'zanne Reynolds
Visiting with a friend in the parking lot, I heard a child's voice calling out for help across the street. Most of the Sunday crowd had already left church and the outdoor courtyard was empty, but the timid voice continued to call out faintly, "help, help!" We crossed the street and looked up some 40 feet off the ground to find a small boy camouflaged in the tree tops of a large magnolia. Insisting that he couldn't get back down, the child had become afraid at finding himself so far off the ground.
My friend went over to the trunk of the tree and reminded the boy that he could hear God's directions if he just listened for them...that God was showing him the best way to get down and that he was safe in his divine Father's care and could trust Him.
How many of us would have tried to tell the boy what to do? I was impressed that my friend didn't try to give him any human advice about tree climbing, which she had little or no expertise in. But rather, she insisted that he was receptive to God's guidance and could, in fact, hear God's directions.
The boy's parents, who had been looking for him inside the edifice, came outside in time to see their son scaling down a tree taller than the church's roof line. None of us were more grateful than this little boy who ran to his mom and hugged her, happy to be safely on the ground and completely unharmed. I don't think any of us will forget the lesson of this day!
Even though we might not be able to share this child's perspective, we can all relate to going out on a limb and getting stuck there. How often do we remember to listen to God and ask for directions or guidance? Do we remember to have this simple childlike trust in our Father's plan for us...do we ask for help with each step of the way, knowing that His design is complete and fulfilling, supreme and known to us?
So, no matter what your adventure may look like or where your journey may take you, go climb that tree or mountain top...and trust that you'll be able to get back down...listening for directions along the way!
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